Sunday, August 4, 2013

July 16 to 31st @ Oceania BJJ Okinawa

Training training training.

With no tournaments to worry about we can get back to working on the curriculum.

Learning how to do the berimbolo, helicopter armbars, and spinning triangles from spider guard is fun but self defense is really important. We have been regularly practicing common street fight positions.

The last two weeks we have also been focused on the turtle position. How to fight on the top and bottom.

Of course we have been doing a lot of sparring.

We are lucky to have some members over 100 + kgs (200lbs). 

It is hard work but it is good to test your technique against larger stronger opponents. 

I like seeing 60kg (130lb) students succeeding against 110kg (240lb) students. 

It means they are relying on technique not strength. 

This week Roberto Sensei will visit our academy for 10 days so we have to be at our best to impress him.